Fall Is A Time To Notice


October brings in a favorite time of year, particularly for those of us blessed to live in the mountains with the beautiful multicolor scenes, as fall dances in the full array of colors. October also is important for those working in the mental health field as we celebrate Mental Health Awareness week, October 3- October 9, and World Mental Health Day, Saturday, October 10. This designated time of the year gives me the opportunity to talk about my passion of supporting those with mental health challenges.

Mental Illness Awareness Week is sponsored by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with this year’s theme: “Together for Mental Health.” World Mental Health Day is sponsored by The World Federation for Mental Health with this year’s focus: “Mental Health in an Unequal World”. Black Mountain Counseling Center has been blessed to have the support from the community to step up and provide mental health services for all in this corner of the world.

As we all know, the pandemic and other world crises has created a tough time for many communities as well as very personal struggles of grief all around. Statistics back in 2019 revealed that 1 in 5 adults struggled with their mental health. I feel confident that these numbers have increased as we have seen an increase in counseling sessions at our office over the last year. The hardships of the last year have increased awareness for the need to focus on mental health and the need to reach out for help when struggling. I believe that, if anything good comes from this time, it is a recognition that our mental health is important and that it is OK to seek help from friends, family, and professionals when needed. It is OK to pay attention to resources surrounding mental health wellness, like the organizations listed above. Black Mountain Counseling Center is available to provide support and counsel to any who seek mental health counseling.

Fall is a time to get out and deep breathe. Fall is a time to go on walks with friends and share struggles and joys. Fall is a time to reach out to your village for support and encouragement. Fall is a time to notice the beauty of the leaves and also notice those that need a helping hand or a listening ear to get through the day.

Ellen Begley – LCMHCS, NCC, RN

We are available on our phone number 828.669.9798 or by visiting our website www.blackmountaincounseling.org.